2 min read

10 Bad Habits that Destroy Sales Productivity (Part 2)

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Inside sales is a competitive field where professionals need to bring an incredible work ethic to the job each day. Unfortunately, some find that their habits can hurt their sales productivity and their careers.

Here are the second 5 bad habits that every sales professional should focus on eliminating.

Read Part I


When people procrastinate on tasks that need to be finished, they tend to develop bad habits that can hurt their productivity in the long run.

Procrastinating contributes to wasting time and losing focus, which makes it more of a challenge to accomplish necessary jobs later on.

Spending too much time inside

Spending time outdoors has been shown to help people lower their stress levels as well as reduce the potential impact of mental health problems, such as seasonal affective disorder. Getting outside, especially when you're working from home in a sales job, also improves concentration for children with ADHD, and it is reasonable to assume that it will also positively impact concentration for adults.

Drinking too much alcohol (after work)

Alcohol has the potential to negatively disrupt sales productivity as well. Many professionals who consume alcoholic beverages regularly find that drinks disrupt their sleep cycles, making it harder for them to concentrate the next day. Regular alcohol use can also impair memory and coordination.

Getting involved in conflicts

According to author and researcher Renee Cocchi, employees getting involved in conflicts within the workplace can lose up to 3 hours of work a week with a national cost of $360 billion each year. Professionals who want to improve their bottom line should focus on their own work and stay out of the office gossip.

Not having a plan

Having a plan provides the motivation, the information, and the follow up a professional needs to succeed. When a professional takes the time to develop a plan, they naturally will research their target customers and the information about their product that they need to sell. A plan also gives the professional definitive goals, and therefore motivation, as well as a standard to measure their progress and see how well they perform. 

Inside sales pros interested in improving within their industries should take careful note of the above habits and work to break any that might be hurting their career.

Reach out to us here at ConnectLeader today to learn how you can stay productive with our multi-channel sales engagement suite of TruCadence, Team Dialer, and Remote Coach. Simply click here or give us a call at 800-955-5040.



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