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We are happy to announce a new feature in our B2B Sales Engagement Platform: XDR Chrome Extension for Salesforce. With this extension, you can perform the key Cadence activities from within the Salesforce CRM account, rather than having to switch to the Cadence application. Salesforce users with access to the Cadence module can install the XDR Extension from Google Chrome.

It is incredibly useful for Salesforce users with Cadence access, as it greatly reduces the time spent on switching between applications for Cadence activities.

4 min read

Avoid Sales Burnout: Lessons Learned from Death of a Salesman

Arthur Miller's 1949 play ‘“Death of a Salesman” is about what happens when a salesman, Willy Loman, fails to accept...

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8 Essential Metrics to Manage a High-Performing SDR Team

An elite sales development team is the engine that powers predictable revenue growth. SDRs generate qualified pipelines...

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Unlock the Power of AI for Smarter Cold Calling with Koncert

Cold calling has long been a foundational sales tactic for driving pipeline and revenue. However, shifting buyer...