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Salesforce and Twitter; The Need for a Better CRM Solution

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Recently, Salesforce.com’s chief executive officer, Marc Benioff, made a bid to purchase Twitter. In fact, he has been on a shopping spree, snapping up companies such as Demandware for ecommerce and productivity software maker Quip Inc. In the last few years, he’s also purchased a slew of artificial intelligence startups that formed the basis for its new CRM solution, Einstein.

Is Marc onto something? And, why is Twitter, the company that Wall Street has written off, so valuable to a CRM Provider such as Salesforce.com? The simple answer: Knowledge!

Imagine the ability to have considerable knowledge of a sales prospect from your lead nurturing system, without ever having met the person.  This is not just about knowing their company, product and market, it's about knowing other important preferences. An entire profile can be built to amass a buying persona for lead development, based on information that can be gathered online. Think about the value of establishing an instant connection when reaching out through outbound dialing. Twitter will provide Salesforce.com users with an immense amount of data that can be gathered, correlated and assembled into a buyer's preferences. Learning a buyer's preference is exactly why Salesforce.com has an interest in Twitter and why LinkedIn is so important to Microsoft.

Knowledge is Power

The phrase “knowledge is power,” was attributed to Francis Bacon, in his Meditationes Sacrae in 1597 and later adopted many times by Thomas Jefferson in letters such as his writings to George Ticknor in November of 1817.  Hundreds of years later, this phrase still rings true and has become critical for sales individuals, as they leverage knowledge for predictive analytics--a new generation of intelligent sales acceleration platforms.

ConnectLeader understands the importance of knowledge as well, and has developed a unique method for intelligent sales acceleration.  Known as Adaptilytics™, this process is a predictive intelligence engine that analyzes, prioritizes, and scores prospecting lists. In addition, Adaptilytics further improves outbound dialing results by enabling users to customize the prediction algorithm based on a prospect’s installed technology, intent to buy, contact data and best time to reach. The dynamic ability of its data engine constantly adjusts lead scoring to reprioritize lead prospecting lists based on 5 critical data insights:

  • Preferred Technology Installed
  • Intent to Buy Activities
  • Availability of Direct Dial Numbers
  • Data Integrity (new and complete information validated)
  • Best Time to Call

Predictive intelligence based dialing systems are the next generation of cloud-based services that will define CRM solutions for years to come.  That’s why we have integrated Adaptilytics with Personal Dialer and also made it available as an enhancement for our Team Dialer solution.  Knowledge is indeed power and if used correctly within a leading CRM software, it will have a profound effect as a more powerful pipeline tool.

Author: Senraj Soundar, Founder/CEO

Senraj leads the management team at ConnectLeader towards the primary goal of “engineering excellence and great customer service.”

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