2 min read

Tips for Being a Great Inside Sales Manager

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hardtofind_smallGreat inside sales talent is hard to find... and even harder to keep. Being a good sales manager can go a long way towards keeping your top sales performers around.The Worst Kind of Managers, a recent article on Time.com, discussed a survey of HR managers which identifed the five attributes of the worst kind of manager.


The 5 Worst Kind of Managers

  • The “crooked politician"
  • The bully
  • The micromanager
  • The workaholic
  • The BFF

According to research from the CEB sales research, other reasons for leaving a job include rigid, inflexible processes and lack of future career opportunities.

Attributes of Successful Inside Sales Managers

Research shows that manager coaching is the critical component in driving rep performance.  To coach a rep to their highest performance level. You must challenge them outside of their comfort zone.“ Sarah Wirth, VP Member Services, ECSellInstitute

The ECSell Institute specializes in helping sales managers become better leaders and coaches. They recently published a whitepaper titled The Role of the Manager in Sales Team Motivation which featured research of top performing sales reps. Their research found that the supervisor skills that had the greatest correlation on their success included:

  1. Coaching
  2. Leadership
  3. Helping obtain career objectives
  4. Recognizing and rewarding achievements
  5. Helping them devise a territory sales plan

Learn more about sales coaching and sales productivity solutions at our upcoming webinar Getting More Out of Your Top Sales Performers.

Join DiscoverOrg CEO Henry Schuck and ConnectLeader Director of Sales, Mark Lynch for an informative 45 minute webinar as part of the BrightTalk Sales Productivity Summit on May 14th at 2:00 PM ET.

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