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Why Do You Need Outbound Sales Email Automation Software?

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Email marketing is just as powerful as it's ever been. If your company isn’t still fully focused on finding ways to deliver emails effectively, you’re not going to get the results you need. 

Everybody uses email. If you want to drive relationships with your audience and drive conversions, you need the right sales email automation software. In fact, nearly 75% of all companies still believe that money spent on email marketing, including email automation, provides a good or excellent return.

Learn sales outreach best practices. Read this blog.

Below, we’ll talk about why it’s important to have the right email sales automation software for your business:

1. Makes Personalization Easy

One of the easiest ways to improve your email’s performance is by personalizing it. Personalized emails have an average open rate of 5.7% higher than general emails and also improve click-through rates. The right email automation software will allow you to include dynamic fields such as first name, job title, and company name. This one simple tweak will have an incredible impact on overall performance.

2. Send More Relevant Messages

The majority of digital marketers agree that list segmentation is the most important strategic tactic when it comes to personalizing emails. It gives you the opportunity to develop highly targeted email messages and send them only to the audience it’s relevant to when it’s relevant to them. With automated email follow-up software, for example, you’ll be able to flesh out the customer journey for new, lapsed, and underserved customers to drive more conversions and increase customer lifetime value.

3. Optimizes Transactional Emails

Many businesses don’t focus on their transactional emails and that’s a huge mistake. Transactional emails are directly generated by user action triggers, which means that they’re expecting them. Examples would be registration emails or receipts. Given their nature, it’s no surprise that their average open rate is more than double that of cold email automation messages.

A powerful email automation software will allow you to send these transactional emails instantly and tweak them to drive further results. You may even want to consider sending follow-up emails with information automatically several days after the transaction.

4. Create a Drip Campaign

You can’t overwhelm your audience with too much information at once or they won’t be able to remember it. At the same time, it takes more touches than ever to close the average sale. This means that you need to take your prospects on an email journey, giving them bits of information in drips and drabs. An effective drip campaign will self-guide your customers through the journey from prospect to conversion, and you need effective sales automation software to power it for you.

5. Saves Plenty of Time

Perhaps the biggest benefit of the right email automation software is right in the name - automation. When your email software is handling transactional emails, drip campaigns, and pushing your customers through an effective journey, your sales team has more time to do what they’re best at. Selling. They’ll be able to close bigger sales and find more prospects. Combined with your email sales improvement, your bottom line will be noticeably healthier.

Getting results from your email messaging means getting the right sales automation software. Koncert’s Cadence is a multi-channel solution. You’ll be able to connect with your Salesforce to ensure that email messages are personalized and sent to the right contacts. You can even coordinate with your sales team to include these emails throughout a multi-channel customer journey that includes direct calling.

To see how Koncert Cadence can help you enjoy all the benefits of outbound sales email automation software today, you just have to reach out. Simply click here or give us a call at 800-955-5040 to chat and schedule a demo.

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