3 min read

8 Steps to a Sales Cadence that Won’t Destroy Your Brand

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We’ve all received cold calls, LinkedIn messages, and cold emails that don’t hit the mark, right?

They start out with a literal “Hi (first name)”; are a LinkedIn connection request immediately followed up by that hard sell of “Here’s my calendar. Let’s set up a demo about my product.”; or it’s just clear that zero research has been done before placing that call.

Many of those are from badly planned out cadences, otherwise known as sales sequences, and they lead to opt-outs, unsubs, or the dreaded bashing in a public LinkedIn post.

What can you do to keep your company from getting the cold shoulder from your cold emails, social touches, and calls?

Create the Right Cadence

We recently had the pleasure of hosting a webinar on “The Power of Relevance” with best-selling author, Jeb Blount of Sales Gravy, and our Director of Inside Sales, Joe Cronin.

What is sales engagement? Read this blog.


During that informative webinar, Jeb provided details on a sequence that won’t destroy your brand and will get your sales prospects to engage. Here’s how it looks.

8 Step B2B Sales Cadence That Works

Day 1:

  • Phone call, which will most likely result in leaving a voicemail. Note: Your first touch should always be synchronous – meaning that it’s a sales touch where you could have a conversation right away.
  • Email.
  • LinkedIn message.

Day 3:

Day 5:

  • Voice message through LinkedIn, WhatsApp, etc.
  • Email.

Day 9 or beyond:

  • Snail mail. Think about it. When’s the last time you received a piece of targeted direct mail from a company?

Why Does this Cadence Work?

The first rule of successful cadence club is to not spam your potential customers. Yes, that should be a given but for many, it isn’t. Above, there are eight touches over the span of nine days. That may seem like a lot, but it’s spread out across multiple channels, which is the key to any B2B sales outreach strategy.

Some of those touches may go unnoticed, such as a voicemail that’s deleted instead of played. Or that a cold email might not have a compelling subject line, so it’s deleted instead of opened or viewed.

The second rule of successful cadence club is to use targeted messaging. Yes, a truly personalized message is best and should be done when you can, but a targeted, relevant message is one that is applicable to MOST of the people on your contact list.

Ready to get responses with next B2B sales outreach cadence instead of the sound of silence? Reach out to us here at Koncert today to learn more about our entire multi-channel suite of B2B sales engagement software, including Cadence and our new product, Coverage, which helps you send targeted 1-to-1 emails that are personalized based on events relevant to your selected prospects. Simply click here or give us a call at 800-955-5040.



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