SDRs. ABM. AI. SQL. CRM. Confused yet? Marketing and sales acronyms and terms can befuddle the best of us and appear to be their own language. Read on to understand the top B2B sales terms in the sales engagement world. 

Account Based Marketing (ABM): A form of business marketing that specifically focuses efforts on a set of targeted accounts within a market.

Agent-Assisted Dialing: Calls that are made by actual trained human agents and are passed off to your sales reps once they’ve received the prospect. This is not robo dialing. Here at Koncert, we have Agent-Assisted Dialer, our human power dialer.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): In sales, this type of system uses computing power to find your best sales prospects through analysis of masses of market data that are compared and matched with ideal customer profiles.

Automatic Dialer (Auto Dialer): This is a piece of software or electronic device that automatically dials phone numbers. Also known as robo dialing, which goes against the TCPA compliance act.

Business Development Representative (BDR): A BDR (like an SDR) focuses exclusively on sales prospecting through outreach methods of cold calls and cold emails. This role allows the sales rep to focus on closing the sale rather than doing prospecting.

Business to Business (B2B): The practice of a business selling or marketing products to another business.

Business to Consumer (B2C): The practice of a business selling or marketing products to people instead of to another business.

Cadence: A series of events that have a set frequency.

Call Cadence: A series of calls that are planned out in a set manner with a set timing.

Call Center Software: Technology that increases the effectiveness and/or productivity of a company’s phone representatives.

Call Coaching: The process by which new or current sales representatives learn how to make better sales calls to prospects, as their managers listen in to the sales calls and provide guidance either during the sales call (unheard by the prospect) or in a meeting afterwards.

Call Disposition: An activity code that’s used in call center software to highlight what a call to a prospect from a sales representative was about, and the outcome of that call.

Click-to-Call aka Click Dialer: Technology that allows the sales representative, SDR, or BDR to simply click on the phone number in their CRM to start dialing.

Cold Calling: Making a sales prospecting call to someone who hasn’t expressed interest in your product or service.

Cold Emailing: Sending a sales prospecting email to someone who hasn’t expressed interest in your product or service.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM): This is technology that your company uses to manage and engage with customers and prospects.

Customer Engagement: The communication that occurs between a customer and the sales representative or customer success representative after a sale is closed.

Customer Success Representative: The person that works with a customer after a sale has been completed to onboard them to the product and ensure the product works for that customer.

Email Automation: Software that is specifically designed to keep your cold email outreach sending out to your prospects.

Email Cadence: A series of emails that are planned out in a set manner with a set timing.

Inbound Sales: This is the process of selling to prospects that come to you and have expressed an initial interest in your product.

Inside Sales Representative: A sales representative who sells remotely, through email, phone, and text, rather than face-to-face.

Lead Enrichment: The process of taking your sales engagement data and updating old contacts, identifying bad data, and adding new data insights.

Local Presence: Software that presents a local area code on a prospect’s caller ID rather than a toll-free or out of state phone number to lift call connection rates.

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL): A person that marketing believes has a high likelihood of turning into a customer.

Outbound Calling: Making a sales prospecting call to someone who hasn’t expressed interest in your product or service.

Outbound Sales: This is the process of reaching out to and selling to prospects who may not have previously heard of your products or services.

Outside Sales Representative: A sales representative who sells their products or services face-to-face instead of over the phone or through email or text.

Predictive Analytics: The ability to analyze, prioritize, and score sales prospecting lists using AI machine learning.

Predictive or Power Dialer: This is a system that makes several automated outbound sales calls at once, without the intervention of human agents. This system is not used by Koncert. Instead, we have trained human agents who serve as our human power dialers.

Remote Coaching: The ability for sales managers to listen in on sales reps’ calls in real time. In the Koncert dialer stack, remote coach offers a “whisper mode”, which allows the manager to pass along instructions to the sales rep without the prospect hearing the manager.

Robotic Dialer (Robo Dialer): This is a piece of software or electronic device that automatically dials phone numbers. Also known as auto dialing, which goes against the TCPA compliance act.

Sales Acceleration: A technique or process that moves prospects along the marketing and sales funnel in a CRM system, taking each person from being a prospect or lead to MQL, SQL, Opportunity, and then to becoming a customer.

Sales Cadence: A series of sales efforts (calls, emails, texts, and social touches) that are planned out in a set manner with a set timing. Also known as a sequence or workflow.

Sales Coaching: The process to motivate and train new and current sales representatives on best practices for better sales metrics and success.

Sales Development Representative (SDR): An SDR (like a BDR) focuses exclusively on sales prospecting through outreach methods of cold calls and cold emails. This role allows the sales rep to focus on closing the sale rather than doing prospecting.

Sales Enablement: Sales enablement refers to the documentation, information, and tools that helps sales representatives better understand the products and services they are selling and sell more efficiently.

Sales Engagement: The communication that occurs between a sales prospect and the sales representative before a sale is made.

Sales Prospecting: This is the process of reaching out to and selling to potential customers who may not have previously heard of your products or services.

Sales Sequence: A series of sales efforts (calls, emails, texts, and social touches) that are planned out in a set manner with a set timing. Also known as a cadence or workflow.

Sales Qualified Lead (SQL): A person that both marketing and sales believes has a high likelihood of turning into a customer.

Sales Workflow: A series of sales efforts (calls, emails, texts, and social touches) that are planned out in a set manner with a set timing. Also known as a cadence or sequence.

Voicemail Drop: A software feature that can be used to record a voicemail ahead of time and leave it for a prospect if you reach their voicemail instead of having to state a message right there.

Reach out to us here at Koncert today to learn how to increase your sales team’s productivity by up to 800% with Agent-Assisted Dialer and Cadence. Simply click here or give us a call at 800-955-5040.



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